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Instructions on How to Incorporate and Create Engaging Email Marketing Videos

Engaging Email Marketing Videos

Image by StartupStockPhotos

Using videos in email marketing is the next level of creative inbox delivery. Video gives subscribers an element of interactivity that piques curiosity and increases engagement and retention.

Customer relationship management (CRM) platform,, surveyed its audience of marketers about email marketing videos and the results were astounding.

They found that attaching a video in an email can lead to a 200-300% increase in click-through rates (CTR) and that simply using the word “video” in the subject line increases open rates by 19% and overall CTR by 65%.[1]

Perhaps even more impressive is that marketers reported videos in email cut the number of unsubscribes by 26%, and over half of their subscribers (54%) preferred emails that included videos.[2]

Video is not only easy to consume; it’s also an effective way to stand out in the inbox. With high-tech and yet simple-to-use editing software such as Loom and easily embedded YouTube videos, there’s no reason to miss out on this trend.

Here is your how-to guide on creating engaging email marketing videos and how to incorporate them into your next campaign.

How To Incorporate Videos In Email Marketing

Saying you need video content and seamlessly deploying it are two different things. Here’s how you can make it happen!

Use A Still Image or Screenshot With A Play Button Overlay

Take a screenshot of your video as it plays and upload it into an editing tool such as Canva or Add Play Button To Image and overlay the “Play” arrow over your image.

Insert or paste an image into your email and link to where your video is hosted. This format clearly indicates the content is a video and redirects the viewer to your video.

Create Your Own Gif

GIFs just keep giving; they’re far easier to create than you think. Imgflip and EZ Gif are free tools where you can create and edit your own GIF thumbnails from your videos.

You’ll be able to choose the exact frames you want to showcase-make it good-and, then generate and download your GIF. You can now drag and drop the short marketing video into your email draft and link to the full version.

Go the extra mile and add a play button over your GIF to give the illusion of full content and inspire more click-throughs.

Use A GIF and Still Image Hybrid: Animated Play Button Overlay

This one is a few more steps but still highly effective.

Take the same still image or screenshot from your video and upload this to Canva. Choose a project size of your choice; I like the YouTube thumbnail option as the most versatile for video marketing content.

On the menu to the left of your project, choose “more.” Here, Canva is connected to Giphy. Search for “play” and see what you get! Try adding “sticker” to your search for uncluttered animated options for GIFs with the background removed.

Now download your new video and upload it to EZ Gif or Imglfip. Once your GIF has been generated, copy the image address. Finally, insert an image in your email client as a URL.

All that’s left is to link this image to the full video, and you’re off to the races!

Email Service Providers Make It Easy

Customer email management platforms make adding video a breeze. Most have the function to paste a link to your hosted video from YouTube, Wistia, Vimeo, or even Facebook and install it directly in the body of your email, complete with the play button.

Recommended Email Platforms:

  • Active Campaign
  • HubSpot
  • ConstantContact
  • GoHighLevel


A pasted video link is included as an attachment at the bottom if you’re using the desktop version of Gmail. When clicked, it will play in their inbox rather than redirecting.

Now that you’re equipped with the how let’s get inspired on the what!

Engaging Video Newsletter Ideas

Successful email videos can be simple recordings or polished productions, each having its place. Start with a strategic content plan with a specific sequence or campaign goals, and create videos to match each stage of the customer’s inbox journey.

You should record an authentic introductory video with some background on you or your company for cold or new contacts. If you’re talking to hot leads, it’s time to bring out the big guns and make your offer.

Create A More Personalized Experience

With a segmented list, you can feed them specific video marketing content related to what they want to see or learn. As a result, videos offer a far more dynamic approach to personalization and engagement.

Make Exciting Announcements

Big news to report? Or even little news? Announce it with an exciting video! Share your journey and get your audience excited too. Take them on the journey with you!

Announcement ideas:

  • New product
  • New service
  • New team members
  • Upcoming events
  • Exciting collaborations
  • Rebrand

It doesn’t have to be a colossal change to make it exciting and generate a bit of buzz in their inbox.

Humanize Your Brand With Displays of Company Culture

Does your team work together well? Are your employees or contractors happy to share how much they love working with you or your brand?

Capture it with video and ship it off to your list. Finally, create a sense of community with your audience by humanizing your brand and putting faces to the names.

Connect Directly With New Leads

Congratulations! A new lead came in! Don’t just send a boring old text-based email. Instead, introduce yourself via video and start a real conversation.

Don’t sell too soon. This is about creating a connection and inspiring a sense of belonging. Ask questions about who they are, where they struggle, and what their goal is. Get to know them.

Educate and Delight

Your audience is on your list for a reason. They believe they will get something out of your digital relationship. Prove them right!

Create educational and value-driven content that is tangibly helpful. Consider these ideas:

  • Technical tutorials
  • How-To videos
  • Framework details
  • Strategic plans
  • FAQ compilations
  • Recipes, either edible or theoretical
  • Industry-relevant guides

Plan these different types of commercial videos to match client goals, obstacles, and desires. Then, solve the problems before they ask and prove how indispensable you are.

Tell A Story

Stories are powerful! Brand stories, client success stories, and you and founders’ stories all give the viewer a deeper understanding of who you are.

Inspire them through past hurdles and repeatable successes. Show them why they want to remain in your orbit.

Product Promos’s email marketing research also found that a video influenced 90% of users and helped them make a buying decision.[3] Add this finding to the research referenced above, indicating increased CTRs and open rates, and you have a highly profitable combination.

You’re selling something. So use video to show rather than tell about your product’s features and benefits.

Share Wins and Case Studies

Video is a powerful tool to show social proof. For example, if your client closed a big deal, ask them to record a snippet and share their win.

Clients and customers who will share their experiences firsthand are one of the most effective ways to alleviate concerns and obstacles for prospective leads. They want to see what they feel is the truth about your brand and your offer.

Upsell Your Next Best Offer

Don’t neglect your existing customer list! When you deliver on your promises and help the people who buy from you, they will likely buy again.

When leveraged correctly, your inbox can be transformed into an ATM. And with the increased engagement and CTRs that video offers, your chances of another conversion are much higher.

Of course, you can’t sell all the time. So continue nurturing subscribers before you make your next big offer. They need to hear from you just as often as those who haven’t bought from you yet.

Stay at the top of their mind and keep them engaged in their inbox.

GIFs Are Videos Too

They say, “a picture is worth a thousand words.” I’m not sure of the exact ratio, but I’d be willing to bet a GIF is worth far more.

While they won’t have quite the same impact as a full video, creating your own custom GIFs levels up your brand image, GIFs are “a moment” of quick movement or expression.

These fun and dynamic elements are memorable and reusable! Once you create an appealing GIF, it becomes shareable, and so does your brand.

Get creative! Do a little dance, add some dynamic text, animate a cartoon figure, show off your spring line, make “the face” your clients will connect with, and have fun with it. Create an experience in a GIF.

Behind The Scenes

Everyone loves a peek behind the curtain! Take viewers on a journey through “a day in the life” of you, your team, and your company.

Don’t overthink it! Try these on for size:

  • Your design team hard at work
  • A brand photoshoot
  • The manufacturing process
  • Team meetings
  • Conferences and events

Show the good, the bad, and the ugly. Don’t shy away from the coffee spill in the breakroom or the technical malfunction during a Zoom meeting. The more raw and real you can be, the better.

Email Video Best Practices

It’s all in the details! Stick to these recommended practices for best results.

Announce Video Content Right Away

Include “video” in the subject line of your email to inspire those clicks. If not the subject line, use the preview function when available.

Don’t Go Cheap

If you’re launching an exciting product or have an amazing story to tell, an iPhone video won’t have the same impact as a professional production. So hire the pros to help you create a polished and memorable experience.

Optimize For Mobile

Let’s face it, consumers and professionals alike spend a lot of time on their phones. Preview your emails before sending them to ensure the visuals still translate on a mobile device. Then, make any adjustments to enhance the mobile user experience.

A Clear and Click-Worthy Call To Action

What do they get when they click? Inspire the viewer with a catchy CTA to spark immediate action. Use text overlay or text in the email body.

Place Video In The Last Two-Thirds of Your Email Content

Don’t give away the keys to the castle right away. Talk it up a bit first and drop the video a bit further down.

Don’t Use Sound

Hopping in someone’s inbox can be viewed as a bit of an intrusion. So don’t make it worse by adding obnoxious noises.

Encourage Sharing

When you create content your subscribers love, they’ll share it without being asked. However, sometimes a little hint doesn’t hurt. Use stickers and text overlay — and ask people to like and share your information in your videos to encourage video sharing.

Create Engaging Email Marketing Videos

Video production isn’t going anywhere, but it should leave your outbox in your next campaign.





Featured Image Credit: Photo by StartupStockPhotos; Provided by the Author; Thank you!

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