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Best Price Matcher – Price Match Website

Dream Big Best Price Matcher

Price match is a great tool to save more money. Ever since modern retail started growing, consumers have always found it tough to search for the lowest-priced product. After the advent of online retailers, the challenge has become even more enormous. With so many retailers, consumers are always worried about whether they are buying a product at the right price.

Price Match: What is it?

Savings-minded shoppers are always on the lookout for the latest deals, scouring print ads and testing coupon codes in search of the lowest prices.

Quote from creditcardsdot com--Here’s one more strategy to add to your savings toolkit: Price match, an underused customer service perk that could lead to deep discounts at your favorite store. What is price matching, Generally, though, the following requirements hold true across stores

  • The item must be identical, often down to the model number

  • The product must be sold by a direct competitor, as defined by the store

  • The item must be in stock at the time of your price match request

  • The product can’t be part of a special clearance or promotion

  • Low prices based on typographical errors are excluded

Why price match underutilized

The main reason the price match guarantee program is underused is that there are no sites available for price match programs but we have some shopping price comparison sites. But these price comparison sites have several drawbacks

  • We cannot search based on the model. Search is based on generic product names.
  • End-users can’t search based on different options on a product. For example, Apple Air pods have several models but users can’t search for a particular model but a very generic name.
  • Search results come with several unknown retailers and users don’t know whether the website exists or not.
  • There is no mentioning anything about the model number which is key for price matching.
  • Search results sometimes miss major retailers even though they are selling the product. Inconsistent search results confused end users to decide which one to buy.
  • They are clearly not price-matching websites.
  • Security issues and privacy issues exist in current price comparison tools. Even Amazon strongly warns users about these tools.

Because of these issues, the price matching program is utilized by only 5% of the users. For a long time, as a user of these sites myself, I have been fed up with the current sites and they are not truly a price matching tool. I’m not alone. Almost 43% of the people (survey conducted in Google Survey) think that there is no tool available for price matching.

To provide a solution, I launched a platform called Best Price Matcher, which uses unique algorithms to help consumers find the lowest-priced product across selected retailers. The list of retailers includes the website likes of Amazon, Best Buy, Walmart, Home Depot, Lowes, Target, Staples, and many others.

An article from Readwrite inspired me to design and develop this website as well.

Advantages of

The advantages of than traditional shopping comparison websites are

  • Best price matcher uses a unique way of displaying product information with the model number with price and retailer’s information.
  • Best price matcher is searching against major retailers who participate in price match guarantee programs.
  • Less confusion and all the time it displays the price from all retailers who sell the product with the same model.
  • Not using the traditional way of showing details, the modern way of showing search result pages.
  • Schedule search which enables users to schedule the search which they just performed and hassle-free delivery of alerts by using advanced Google firebase push notifications and it supports email as well.
  • Best price matcher shows Amazon’s top 10 deals.
  • Best price matcher uses special search algorithms so the search is faster and it is some milliseconds.
  • The app available in iOS and Android markets.
  • Security is paramount for users and so is the Best price matcher. Best price matcher won’t use any cookies or tracking of user behavior so it is very safe to use. No privacy issues.

How to use

Best Price Matcher is the first price mining application that matches prices across direct competitors for identical products. Let’s take an example to illustrate the point. Suppose you want to buy a ‘Roborock S6 MaxV: all you have to do is go to its website — bestpricematcherdotcom — enter the product — and the site will show you several options with details like model number, retailer, price, and description.

The fact that it provides a model number ensures that consumers will have no doubts about exactly which product they are buying.

For example, Dell laptops from the Vostro series have different model numbers based on their configuration and features. If a consumer doesn’t know which model he/ she wants to buy, they will always find it tough to match prices across retailers. The growth of the online market, fueling competition, and tough competition drive prices down for sure, so users need sophisticated tools to better assist their decision-making.

In the future, we will see several sites like bestpricematcher will flourish. AI-driven price prediction and fully automated retail stores are the future for shopping since better knowledge beforehand is important for users.

With Best Price Matcher’s platform, such problems will never crop up because it narrows down the search to a specific model number.

Moreover, users have flexibility; they can search either before buying a product or after buying a product. It also offers a ‘schedule search’ feature under which it alerts the users by email or pushes notifications when it finds a lower price. It’s a unique product to save customers precious time and money. We ensure that you don’t pay more than your peers pay for a product.

My experience

A few months ago, when I went to buy an iMac, I realized that no tool could tell me the same product’s price across several retailers. It was then that I decided to build a solution, and Best Price Matcher was born. It works as a website, and it also has apps for iOS and Android platforms. On its website, there’s also a tab for some of the hottest Amazon deals.

Best Price Matcher is a great enabler for consumers because it ensures that they always get the right price. It’s attracting users from several parts of the US, and soon it will become the must-have tool for anyone shopping. A recent survey proved my point that 43% of the people think there is no tool for price matching.

The Best Price Matcher app is another example of Business Ideas Emerging in China During COVID 19 here in the USA as well, we are starting to develop several startups during pandemic and is one of them.


By utilizing my domain knowledge, technical skills and a new degree in data science from Northwestern University, I try to resolve an issue for common people.

My motto is “save some money for users, they don’t need to pay more than what their peers pay.” This platform is just a start and I have plans to expand the search capabilities and AI price prediction.

The future leads us to a good and responsible society and technology would help better decision-making for every aspect of our life. US buyers are the major contributors to US GDP.

All shoppers need support like the platform. Whether we like it or not, the higher prices are going to different retailers and they offer a good program of price match guarantee.

I want everyone to benefit from this program, all they need is a good tool. As the survey represented, most Americans think there is no product for price matching.

It is not surprising that price matching is underutilized because there is no site now clearly showing price matches between major retailers.

Image Credit: Alex Fu; Pexels; Thank you!

The post Best Price Matcher – Price Match Website appeared first on ReadWrite.