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Facebook Marketing Trends for 2022 – Skyrocket Your Brand’s Strategy

FB Marketing Trends

Wherever we turn our ears these days, we hear about TikTok – the hottest social media platform of the moment.

Or how Instagram is the crown jewel of social platforms – having not one, but two shining stars – features that gained massive popularity since their launch’ first days – Stories and Reels.

But what about Facebook – still the largest social network in 2021?

“Despite TikTok’s shining aura and Instagram’s many popular features, Facebook is still a powerful platform for marketing endeavors. Most communicators still rely heavily on Facebook for marketing purposes, mainly thanks to its effectiveness in driving traffic towards a business’s website.” – — social media trends.

The abilities to communicate of TikTok (at present) and Facebook (for years) can’t be surpassed by any other social media platform so far.

But in the social media scene, many changes appear on the horizon every day, and sadly, those brands that are not quick enough to get on the wave and adapt to the trends are at risk of falling behind.

According to data and thousands of business profiles studies, these are the five major trends businesses should incorporate in their strategies if Facebook engagement and success are what they’re after in 2022.

1. Albums bring higher engagement on Facebook

Socialinsider, a social media analytics tool has done various analyses comparing the average engagement rate per post on Facebook for different markets, like the UK or The United Arab Emirates having a single conclusion: for the time being, the most engaging post type on Facebook is without any question the album type.

This happens due to people’s desire to be part of something.

Most times, brands post albums on Facebook only after they host an event. Thanks to the people’s enthusiasm of attesting they were a part of it, and sharing their experiences, albums are rewarded with the highest engagement levels, receiving the most interactions.

2. Video content has the highest Facebook click-through-rate

If we look back at 2021, we can say it has been a year that stands out on social media for many reasons, one of them being the huge increase in the consumption of videos.

What is great about video content on social media is that it offers a more immersive experience to the users, and has the potential to retain them longer into the platforms.

As for social media managers that are looking for ways to optimize their Facebook marketing strategy in 2022, another important Facebook marketing trend that should be kept in mind is that on Facebook, the video type of content is the one with the highest click-through-rate.

Average of link click rate
Average of link click rate

Of course, when creating their Facebook marketing strategy, brands have to keep in mind their business objectives and adapt their content calendar for Facebook accordingly.

So, in 2022 you may choose to post more albums to increase your account’s engagement on Facebook or more videos to get more traffic to your site, get conversions and eventually increase your sales. But it is all up to what you want to achieve most in a certain timeframe.

Since every post type can bring your business certain benefits, most experienced social media managers recommend having diversity in your Facebook content strategy. It is what will bring you the best results in the long term.

And not focusing on the long game is what may be some brand’s doom and others quite the opposite, the reason for thriving.

Also, if you’ve decided to invest more in videos, you should go for a sure win – which is the vertical format.

Evolution per month
Evolution per month


Did you know the vertical video format is the most engaging one? And that by pairing your videos with short captions, you can increase your engagement rates from 0.29% to 0.44% on average?

So, how’s this for some helpful Facebook marketing tips?

3. Live videos are on the rise

As in 2021, many brands have discovered the power of video content, a tactic that has proven to gain more popularity, especially in the context of the COVID19 pandemic of hosting live webinars.

And how could it not, given the fact that people appreciate authenticity maybe more than anything else?

​​Through these live webinars, brands can give their audience the chance to speak and express their concerns, connect with their followers one on one, and build stronger relationships with them, which every brand nowadays needs if they long for success.

These live-streaming sessions are the brand’s way of showing a more human side, which is most appreciated by the online communities.

The numbers tell that live videos on Facebook generate double the engagement than pre-recorded ones do.

Average post engagement rate
Average post engagement rate


4. Facebook ads budgets are expected to double in 2022, as it happened in 2021

Despite other social networks’ popularity, in 2022, Facebook remains the number one platform into which brands choose to invest their paid advertising budgets.

This is no surprise, given Facebook’s long history in developing advertising concepts and placements.

Most brands were forced to cut down on marketing activations due to the COVID19 pandemic and redirected some of their marketing budgets into social media paid advertising.

As a result, in 2021, businesses have doubled the budgets invested into Facebook ads, which is expected to happen again in 2022, as the amount of money invested into paid advertising increases year after year.

Average USD spend
Average USD spend


However, Instagram is rapidly catching up, in 2021, businesses investing 7,16% more money into Facebook ads and 8,69% more money on Instagram ads.

While Instagram ads have proven to be more suited for increasing brand awareness, and Facebook ads for conversion purposes, as this social media ads study has shown, the growing interest in Instagram advertising may be a strong sign of where the future of marketing lies.

5. Facebook video feed: the lowest cost per click

If you’re not yet fully convinced that video content is the next big thing in social media marketing, here’s one more proof.


Whether you’re new to Facebook advertising or have a long history of managing ads campaigns, your concern should be the same: optimizing your budgets.

Average USD spend FB
Average USD spend FB

And here is the good news: Facebook video feed is not only the ad placement with the lowest cost per click on Facebook, but it is also the one with the second-best click-through rate, right behind the regular feed. Therefore, an option that’s worth considering when doing Facebook paid advertising.

6. Placing links inside comments on Facebook may lead to greater engagement rates

A study based on 51,054,216 Facebook Posts conducted by Socialinsider has shown that Facebook posts with link insertions reach only half of the engagement levels of those who don’t.

Average FB post engagement rate
Average FB post engagement rate


Starting from a long-circled around the internet topic of whether it’s better to place a link inside an actual Facebook post or in the first comment, the study has shown that brands don’t have this habit.

Being a technique used mostly by personal profiles, it is likely that brands will slowly start doing it now that data has confirmed the impact a link placement has over the engagement.

On a final note

With the new year, new and constant updates within all the social media platforms, the digital scene looks more challenging than ever.

And even if the future is hard to predict, one thing we know for sure: social media will continue to be a powerhouse in the marketing industry.

By following the trends, your social media success won’t take long to show up. Use the tips and fire up your Facebook marketing strategy in 2022.

Inner Image Credit: provided by the author; From; Thank you

Top Image Credit: Anton; Pexels; Thank you

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